For instance, most officiating priests are non- Brahmins, and derive from local lineages that had initiated the cult generations ago. Karuppu Sami worship is based on an ancient ancestral clan-based worship system, which has barely syncretised with Hindu tradition. There could also be statues of 7 Kannimar goddesses/Saptha Kanniyar (7 virgins) and animals, often a hunting dog, a lion and horse alongside the main idol of Karuppu Sami. These temples/shrines do not have traditional Gopurams and have large statues of Gods with large eyes, holding weapons like bow and arrow, swords, sickle and other weapons. Usually, the whole village contributes to the maintenance of the temple. Karuppu Sami temple is mostly found in the outskirts of the Village. He is sometimes considered to be a form of Shiva among Shaivas. He is one of the 21 associated folk-deities of Ayyanar, and is hence was one among the demigods or kaval deivams in the Tamil folk religion. 'black deity') is a regional Tamil god, popular among the rural social groups of Tamil Nadu and parts of Kerala. Tamil folk religion, Animism, Ancestor worship